Tag Archives: thinking in pictures

Temple Grandin influential? You bet! Please vote!

Time magazine’s list of 100 most influential people this year should surely include the marvelous Temple Grandin. Temple, who has autism and sensory processing disorder, is a tireless educator and advocate. The made-for-HBO movie of her life, starring Clare Danes, which aired this year, truly helped people to understand what it is like for Temple to deal with her autism, sensory issues, and anxiety. My son loved seeing how Temple sees–just like him, in pictures–and was fascinated by her squeeze machine invention, which she created to reduce the severe anxiety she experienced as a result of her sensory processing disorder. Please help spread the word about this amazing woman who has done so much for our kids! Vote for Temple Grandin as one of the 100 most influential people this year!

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Filed under autism and sensory issues, Temple Grandin